...is poor Grandad. Not that he appears to mind to much, getting even more time to spoil Andrew.
With the volcano having a whale of a time in Iceland, and on top of that a very unexpected heavy snowfall today Bill will be here until Tuesday next week.
So far we've eaten loads of really nice food, apart from Andrew who had his first taste of parsnip at the Baby café on Tuesday. Lets just say he was not impressed. At all. But still ate a bit of it. To give him credit it did have a fairly bitter after taste, either from the rapeseed oil or the milk-au-mummy that didn't like being frozen.
We did a new batch the following day, free from additives and that went down a lot better. But not quite as well as the orange he tried today! He sucked and sucked and sucked, not getting enough at all. He went through the better part of a whole orange, and left for me to eat the remains of the orange once he sucked all the juice out.
Went in to Uppsala on day to meet up with the boys, and at the café we went to Andrew made a new friend in a little boy sitting next to us. They had a great chat, about what only they will know, and finished off nearly snogging each other. Very cute.