At the moment the washin machine is working overtime to get everything washed and ready to be packed for our much longed for trip to Ireland. I can't believe it has been over a year since we were there the last time! And a very special time it was too, with us finding out that a tiny Andrew had taken up residence in my womb. And here he is now, 8 months old and full of beans.

In the "waves" at Rullsand where little kids can walk for ever without the water getting deep.

Pulling faces in the car on the way to Uncle Jocke's birthday bash.

Wow - she's got a camera!!

"I love my books..."

Some of the cousins at the zoo. These ones had to stay when we went home though...

What a poser!

Kisses all around!! Isak and Andrew sharing a special moment.

As cute as cute can be!

Liver paté sandwihes are YUMMY!!