This is what we've been up to since the last update. Again, in photos - saves me typing so much, and let's face's the photos you want!

Here's the proof of Ireland having great weather every now and then!

Playing with my cousin Ben. He's one of my cousin-idols!!!

This is how handsome my dad and I were at auntie Siobhan and uncle Jerry's wedding!

Gorgeous, am I not?!

We were very tired when we got home from Ireland...

Out for a stroll with my stroller.

WOW!! I want to splash water on our car the way our neighbour does on hers!!

Playing with my cousin Fanny. She's another one of my idols!

Out playing with my friends


Out picking mushrooms with mormor, morfar, mum & dad. Walking in the forest is hard work... guess if I was happy when we stopped for some sandwiches!
Yummy yummy in my tummy!

These are some of lovely mushrooms we found.