The philosophical question of the day is if the light at the end of the tunnel is a high speed train coming towards me, or God on a "dressin" (see photo above) carrying a lantern in his hand looking for me.
I opt for the latter, cause of course he’s out there looking for me, and Liam, to bring us safe and sound through the tunnel.
I am currently reading this fantastic blog about a man born with CP. At birth he got the umbilical cord stuck around his neck, and was without oxygen. Never has he or his family thought of him as handicapped, or made special allowances for him. For his birthdays he was given things like roller skates, and other “impossible” gifts for someone who’s been told he’ll never walk, never talk properly and never live on his own.
Throughout his life he as proven the scientists wrong by learning to walk and scrapping the wheel chair, learning to talk and going to university, move to his own flat, get a driving license and starting his own business.
All this through sheer bloody mindedness and never accepting anything as impossible and never giving up his dreams but making them true.
Today he’s a writer, stand up comedian, and travels around the country giving seminars.
One of the things he comes back to a lot is that you have to look at life through the positive magnifying glasses, and DECIDE to be happy and see the silver lining on every cloud – no matter how big.
He wrote in one blog that happiness is that what you wouldn’t give up for any money in the world. In my case that is Liam, my dogs, my family and friends, my health and my life. Looking at all those things, all the happiness in my life I really wonder why I spend so much time focusing on the not so good things that happen, and give them such space in my life. Why is it so much easier focusing on that?
It is all a matter of changing focus to all that is beautiful, bright and good. After all, we all have food on the table, we have a roof over our head, we have clothes on our body and we have those we love near. What else do we really need??
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