He's home!!!! Our beautiful puppy is finally here!
We set off this morning at around 10, with Abi and Zassi in their crate in the boot, and travelled the 300km to Njurunda where Yvonne and Sören live.
When we left Sala, it was a beautiful spring day with splendid sunshine. As we travelled north the skies became over cast, and in the end it rained. This had no impact what so ever on our moods, we were finally meeting Ashiki for the first time!
As we arrived at Yvonne's and Sören's we were met in the door by mum Blaze, who is a beautiful girl! Then there he was, our little fur ball! Cute as a button, and totally adorable! That was it, we were in love!
After some cuddles, tea and chit chat we were ready to drive back to Sala. Poor little Ashiki didn't know what hit him. Being uprooted, but in a car with 2 strangers and then travel 3 hours... The poor crate was sick a couple of times in the car (and nearly myself and Liam as well....), but in the end settled and slept the rest of the way home.
Once we got to the apartment, we took him up to let him have a look at his new home and get aquainted with Liam, while I took Abi and Zassi for a much needed walk.
Once we got back from the walk, it was time for the introductions. We started with Zassi, a little bit apprehensive knowing what Zassi can be like. It turned out we had no reason to worry at all. THey said their hello's and got into play mode. Great!!! We then let Abi join, and as expected that went well. Up we went, all 5 of us! It felt so fabulous to be home, with the whole family!
We fed the hungry pack, and Ashiki even tried to help himself to some of Zassis food, and then the playing began! Zassi and Ashiki have been playing all night, and now they are all sound asleep on the couch and on the floor.
Such a wonderful day!!!!