We are just back from the vet where the heffalump Ashiki got his vaccination. Heffalump because he weighs in on an astonishing 8,4 kg!! Pleasently surprised because it only cost me SEK326! Being used to the Irish vet bills, I had expected in and around twice the amount! Whoppeee!!
Ashiki, or Mr Cool, as we call him, took the whole vet thing in a confident stride, marching around as if he owned the place.
The vet was very interested in him, as she'd never met, or even heard of, a Hollandse Herdershond before.
Since I last wrote, we have also been to the local Kennel club - a place that unfortunately requires a story of it's own, better told by someone else... - where we did a bit of socialisation again. Last time Ashiki found the whole thing a little bit nervrecking and barked a fair bit. This time, he had a great time sniffing around, playing tug'o'war with the lead (I know, bad habit, but I'd forgotten his toy) and watching the other dogs. He was such a good dog, and not in any kind of way shape or form nervous. Mr Cool indeed!
1 comment:
Dom är ett gäng coola syskon!
Mamma Blaze är så stolt.
/ Yvonne
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