Unfortunately. After me being off work for 2 weeks, and Liam waiting to start his Swedish course, we're brutally brought back to reality tomorrow. My alarm will go off at the un-godly hour of 05.25AM...
But, to be quite honest, I sort of look forward to going back to work. And that is nearly the first time in my working history! Nearly, any way.
So, what have we done this last day of freedom. Not much.... Liam has been flying his newly acquired infrared controlled helicopter, while Abi tried catching it. I on the other hand, got busy making thyme honey. That is, I didn't make the honey, but mixed the two together to make a honey that allegedly is good for curing colds. It will remain to be seen, it tastes good anyway.
We then stripped the Christmas tree, in every sense of the word. Off went all the decorations, and then all the branches with the good help of the secateurs. All of this into black bin liners and finally in to a bin at the recycling centre, where it should not have been left. Cheeky us...
It is quite nice to have the apartment back to normal.
Above is a picture of Liam's dear helicopter..........
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