...when you have 2 dogs??
First week in real life over and done with, and without any major drama. I worked as usual, and with all that's happening in Gaza we started off at 150 km/h straight away. Well, in all honesty, my work wasn't really affected that much of it, but it is discussed on a daily basis at the International Department, and we are doing what we to contribute to ending of the the horrors.
Liam has started his Swedish course, and with that Swedish is now the prime language in our little family. He really is doing fabulously, and I see progress every day even if Liam himself thinks he's not getting anywhere. He's in school roughly 3,5 hours per day, speaking only Swedish, and then continues to study for another couple of hours at home, so it is quite intense. I'm really proud of him!
Another great thing about SFI here in Sala compared to the one in Tierp (apart from the fact that SFI in Tierp was shockingly shite) is that they will help him study to another profession once his Swedish has improved enough to move on. And this will also be done within the SFI which means that they will be there continoulsy to help with the language. I think it is fantastic!
Not to mention the fact that I really have to start thinking about the Swedish language myself, to be able to explain why things are the way they are. It's very interesting.
Today Zassi was gracious enough to let me sleep until 8.45 before telling me it was time to get up. We went for another one of our little discovery expeditions, and found a lovely little well-marked path. We followed this for a good while, all along wondering where we'd end up! After a while we met a couple out walking their dogs, and asked where we were heading. It turned out the path goes in a circle and ends up not far away from where we usually walk. Sala really is brilliant for marking nice hiking and walking treks, and also have little huts built here and there where you can make a fire and bbq hotdogs when you're out and about. This town really is great for outdoorsy people!!
Weather has been shite all day with cold winds and grey skies. Despite this, Liam and I decided to go for a walk in the afternoon, after having spent the better part of the day indoors waiting for Michael to come as agreed(which he incidentally didn't do...). Of course we took the opportunity to practise Swedish even more. Liam will soon get totally fed up with me taking every opportunity to teach him.... :)
I'm going to love you and leave you for now, to start with dinner. On the menu today is reindeer hamburgers with oven roast vegetables. Yummy, eh?
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