After a long time of silence, I thouht I'd pick up the blogging again. The last time I wrote, we were sadly deciding to let Ashiki have a new home - one where he would be number one. He is now with E and leads a happy active life.
Our prince Andrew is now nearly 4 months, and we discover new things about him every day. He has started laughing, to our delight, and prefers sitting and standing to lying down. When lying on his back, he tries to pull himself up to sit, and can roll from his tummy to his back.
He is mostly all smiles and charms everyone, but has proven to have quite a bit of temperament and goes from 0-100 in 2 seconds flat.
Liam has now started working at the school, which means that I am home alone with Andrew all day. This too is a new experience, as we've so far always have been at home together.
As Liam gets up fairly early, 5.30am, little Andrew woke up at 6 this morning ready to go. Need I say I was far less ready to go, hoping he'd go back to sleep. This, of course did not happen until 45 minutes later when I was up and dressed.
After another two naps, one in the pram out walking, we arrived at the Baby Café where we go on Tuesdays. Today there must have been at least 20 babies with mostly mothers, and of course Andrew was by far the cutest. (Me biased? Not at all! )
At the moment, the soul around which the houshold circles, is in bed but not quite asleep. I'm hoping he's tired enough to fall asleep without me having to get the milking machine out.
Michael, who is sprawled out on the couch, arrived a few hours ago just after Liam got home from work.
My thoughts this evening goes to K who has taken her little baby J to the hospital for a possible op. I hope all goes well, and that J will be back in high form in no time.
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