Efter lite frukost kom vi på att en sockerkaka skulle vara jättegott till fika senare idag, så vi tog fram det vi behövde och satte igång. Med mjölet flygande i små vita moln slängde vi ihop en smarrig smet, som man självklart får provsmaka!!
Eftersom ugnen ändå var varm passade jag på att kladda ihop en filmjölkslimpa till frukost. Det är så himla gott med nybakat bröd!
Efter att pappa och farfar kommit ner och vi alla ätit frukost gick vi till Andrews stora lycka ut i solskenet. Det är hårt jobb att få bort all snö!
Hur som haver, en lång promenad där jag bara njöt av att vara alldeles själv. Lyssnade på fåglarna, njöt av att se snön smälta bort i små rännilar på vägen och tänkte att snart kommer all snö att vara ett minne blott och björkarnas små musöron kommer att få mig att le ännu större. Den första skira grönskan är så magisk!
När jag kom tillbaka hade Andrew precis vaknat och var jättehungrig. Slukade massor med fiskbullar och potatis, och till efterrätt en smarrig smoothie. Och sen fick farfar en liten gosestund han med...
Today has been a day of harmony. Pure and utter pleasure. Andrew and I woke up early, as always, together on the mattress in his room after an iffy night. We tip-toed, hrm... downstairs, got ready and then took the dogs for their morning walk. The air was still a bit chilly, but bearing the promise of a wonderful day!
After breakfast, we decided that sponge cake would be lovely to have with the teas and coffees later on, so we brought out all the bits and bobs we'd need and got started. With white flour-y clouds filling the kitchen, we put together a lovely cake mix - which of course had to be tested.
Seeing as the oven was warm already, I decided to throw together a loaf of bread as well. It's so nice with still warm freshly baked bread!
As soon as Granddad and Daddy made their way down, we had breakfas together and then headed out into the sunshine. Andrew was hard at work getting rid of all the snow!
All that hard work in the sun made a little boy very tired, and he soon fell asleep when we went inside again. I, on the other hand, made sure to get some highly valued alone-time!
Got myself geared up with boots and the doggie-belt, and then took my two little fave girl for a walk. I don't understand why I haven't put Zassi's Flexilead on the belt before, it's so much easier walking with both hands free! We even jogged a bit on the ski-doo tracks, much to Zassi's delight. Abi wasn't quite as delighted... Will try and do a bit of jogging a couple of times a week now, and drag Abi with me. That way her belly might become less floppy...
Anyway, we went for a long walk and I simply enjoyed being on my lonesome; listened to the birds, watched the snow melting into little streams and realising that within short all the snow will be gone!
As we got back, and the dogs had had their showers (VERY much to their dislike) a very hungry Andrew woke up and demanded food. He ate loads of fish and potato, and finished off with a smoothie before giving Granddad a cuddle on the couch.
We finished off a fab day with the first coffee and cakes on the terrace!
1 comment:
LOVELYYYYYYYYYY <3<3..... Jogging låter nice;-)) läs detta... http://www.mindfulrunning.dk/fileadmin/user_upload/PDF/mindfulrunningguide_final.pdf
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