Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tygisar /Clothies

Nu har vi börjat! Tygblöjor som vajar i vinden...
Lite inkörningsproblem, onekligen, men på det hela rätt nöjd.
Man får byta MYCKET oftare, men det är väl egentligen så att man med vanliga blöjor med superabsorbenter byter väääääldigt sällan.
Inser att han pinkar en hel del på natten/morning, och då funkar det egentligen bara med allt-i-ett-blöjorna, så minst en sån till måste införskaffas.
Nu på sommaren går han ju mest med rumpan bar, och så försöker vi få till lite potta istället, men tygisarna funkar!

Now then. We've started. Cloth nappies drying in the sun...
There has been a few beginner's issues, but we are getting there. In all I feel quite happy about them.
They have to be changed A LOT more often than with normal nappies. Or rather, with normal nappies you don't change very often because of the super absorbents.
I'm beginning to realise he pees a fair bit during the night/morning, and the only thing that works then is the all-in-one cloth nappies, so we will have to buy at least one more of those. 
Now during the summer he walks around naked more often than not, and then we try to get some potty training done instead. But - cloth nappies work!

Man ska inte äta direkt innan badet, men att äta i badet måste ju vara en helt annan sak!
You shouldn't eat direclty before you swim, but while swimming is a completely different ball game, isn't it??

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