Monday, July 18, 2011

Kärringveckan... / Women's week...

...har så inletts. I vår familj börjar den inofficiellt med min äldsta brors födelse dag den 17:e, mellisbrorsans namnsdag idag, min egen i morgon och sen igen mellisnamnsdag i början av nästa vecka.
Vore vi en tårtälskade familj skulle det kunna bli många tårtor, vi brukar nöja oss med en....

This week in July is called Women's week (kärringveckan) because every day of the week - bar one - has a woman's name for names day. (Every day of the year is attached to a name, "name's day"). In our family we start off with my oldest brother's birthday on the 17:th, then the middle brother's names day today, my own tomorrow and then finally middle bro's turn again next week. 
If we were a true cake family, there would be an awful lot of cakes had this week. As it is, there might be one...

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